Comment 45613

By renegauthier (registered) - website | Posted August 13, 2010 at 12:06:15

[quote]I live in Ancaster and I have been to a football game it Heinz Field, a game at PNC park and a game at the Igloo. We walked to each and every venue from the downtown Omni Penn. So did 10's of thousands of other people. The walk was 1-1.5 km. I know for sure that for the baseball games, they close the one bridge to pedestrian only.

If the stereotypical fat American an walk to the games, I am pretty sure Hamiltonians can do it too. [/quote]

What you didn't mention was that the I-279 sits in between both stadiums and that there's also a huge parking lot in between. There has to be some major infrastructure changes to match that experience and it will cost $$$$$. As much as I want a nice stadium on the waterfront, we need to use our heads as well as our hearts on this. We also need the Tiger-Cats on side, otherwise there will be no great game experience to talk about.

Edits: 1. I-275 corrected to I-279; 2. Trying to quote this, could use a tip on putting in its proper context.

Comment edited by renegauthier on 2010-08-13 11:17:40

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