Comment 45569

By cityfan (registered) | Posted August 12, 2010 at 16:30:05

Mr Young has to open up his business case and identify who these experts are that say it won't work in the west harbour. Where are his investors that he says support his location. Show me the money! I drive and live on the mountain and I hate the EM location. I would rather go downtown where there is more things to go to and see. I'm shaking my head through this whole process because the city council is divided about saving a football team that loosing money with a league commissioner that is very quick not to sit down and work this out before with the city council and the owner and building/revitalizing a city. Where the hell are the other cities going to find the money to build a stadium and support their interests is beyond me. Responsible councils will not. The owner will just waste that community's taxes as well. Hell if this was Bettman running the CFL he would fight like hell and high water to keep the team in Hamilton. I don't want to pay more and more taxes to keep this team afloat...This is crazy!!

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