Comment 45387

By Kiely (registered) | Posted August 10, 2010 at 13:38:37

It may also come as a shock to some to find that many in our audience, and quite a few among our contributors, have largely conservative viewpoints. There is nothing about urbanism that needs to be contrary to conservatism, and in fact, there are many good reasons why conservatives ought to support urbanism (for example, because concentrated urban centers, rather than sprawl, help conserve our rural areas and thus protect the rural way of life). - adrian

Very true adrian. I am a devout fiscal conservative (I have no time for the social variety however) and I believe urbanism, brownfield rejuvenation, less dependence on oil, reducing or eliminating sprawl and creating walk able and livable cities are inherently fiscally conservative concepts… my dad was a Beatnik though : )

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