Comment 45318

By Michebel (anonymous) | Posted August 09, 2010 at 23:01:40

Some food for thought on the East Mountain location: should there be development suited to 6,000 hungry fans leaving at the same time after a game, one can predict the inevitable crop of Keg's, Kelsey's, Montana's and you-name-it large chains that serve warmed-up pre-prepared offerings. There is $$ in them there hills, and other than a handful of service jobs that pay as little as possible, the real profits leave town in bagfuls. Smaller locally-owned establishments are likely to benefit from a closer to the street, walkable location like the West Harbour. The profitability of every mom and pop within spitting distance to the stadium have chance to gain, not so if the stadium is located on the edge of town.
And what else are fans going to do if the roads are busy?- might as well stop and spend some time and money at a chain that has no vested interest in Hamilton, and is as likely owned by someone from the panel on The Dragon's Den. Maybe Bob's appeared on an episode we missed.

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