Comment 45300

By arienc (registered) | Posted August 09, 2010 at 20:50:58

The Angus Reid survey results are out, and they completely disprove the assertions of Bob Young and his football club.

In terms of overall support, it's very close; 52 percent prefer the West Harbour site, while 48% prefer the East Mountain.

But lets look at how the support breaks out. The story here is very interesting, and no doubt caused the Ti-Cats executives to take notice.

For the 18-34 age grouping (i.e. the future of the team's fanbase and the key demographic sports are marketed to), respondents favoured West Harbour 70% to 30%. East Mountain was favoured (54-46) by respondents aged 35-54 and (57-43) by those 55+.

Among income groupings, while those earning <$50K support East Mountain slightly (53-47), middle income residents (another key demographic for the Ti-Cats) support the West Harbour, with those earning $50K-$99K leaning (54-46) in favour of West Harbour, and those earning $100K+ split 50/50.

Based on education levels, those with university degrees favoured West Harbour 66-34, while those with highschool or less favoured East Mountain 64-36.

From a perspective of building and sustaining a rabid fanbase among Hamilton residents who identify most with the team, West Harbour would seem to be the sustainable choice, based on these results form a third-party polling firm.

Comment edited by arienc on 2010-08-09 19:54:28

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