Comment 45196

By dmont (anonymous) | Posted August 09, 2010 at 00:12:28

You people haven't presented any reasons why a 25k stadium should be located in the West Harbour. All you've done is express a desire for downtown revitalization. Your entire position is based on the assumption that this stadium will be a catalyst for downtown revitalization.

First, this is a looooong shot. Every peer-reviewed assessment of the revitalizing effect of stadiums have shown that such facities have no statistical impact. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's a dangerous gamble. Second, the only way a stadium has even the slightest chance of revitalizing the surrounding neighbourhood is if the stadium and its activities are a commercial success. The Tiger Cats, and every reputable private developer, are unconvinced of the commercial viability of the site, and the city has been unable to produce a business case. The best proponents have been able to come up with is "it won't be any worse than Ivor Wynne". Ivor Wynne has not revitalized its neighbourhood, so it seems a dubious case for aspiration.

Your desire to revitalize the downtown is admirable, but this stadium will not do the job. The mayor's vision and philosophy would be an historical disaster for the city of Hamilton.

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