Comment 45132

By Tybalt (registered) | Posted August 08, 2010 at 09:27:30

What I don't understand is why every commenter against the West Harbour location feels the need to attack RTH at the same time, necessitating the downvoting that they then complain about, feeding the cycle. I'm happy to upvote sensible, reflective comments. I'm going to downvote attacks on the site. It's really that simple, but some people sadly just don't get it. That's the last I'll say about comment moderation.

I'll note that the Ticats haven't in fact put any money up to the table - I see no bond, escrow, or other commitment. What we have is a promise, from someone who has already broken several commitments about the new stadium (most notably, "we will make it work, whatever the site"). That, where I come from, is called an EMPTY promise. Not even worth the paper it's not written on.

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