Comment 45025

By dsahota (registered) | Posted August 06, 2010 at 19:36:08

This Mayor sucks and needs to go back on the consulting or unemployment line that he was on before getting elected by fluke.

I believe that "fluke" is called the will of the people. Welcome to a democracy, where the person who gets the most votes in an election wins and the backroom deals made by private interests don't get counted at the ballot box.

While I'm saddened and sickened by the outright dishonesty of the provincial government, I feel extremely proud that our elected representatives in City Hall have stood up in the best interests of the people of this city. What this city needs to continue to revitalize is strong local leadership and an engaged populace. We don't need a stadium (although it would have been nice), what we need is to work together to get investment dollars into our community that fund projects that work for our community.

The West Harbour is still a prime location for waterfront development, if we as a citizens of this city choose to spend the money to remediate the brownfield, I absolutely believe development dollars will follow. We can still create a lasting legacy for our city, we just need the imagination to see beyond a stadium and the will to persevere despite the provincial and federal governments backstabbing.

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