Comment 44971

By Oliver_PinkStuff (registered) | Posted August 06, 2010 at 16:30:50

Has everyone forgotten!

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell will have to decide when, not If but when Toronto gets the promise of an expansion NFL team... it's upon us and the eminent demises of the CFL will follow shortly afterward. Toronto won't support the two football teams and with the CFL thriving only in a couple communities out west the CFL flirts with the 'Long Black Vail' each year. So, with with Argos soon looking for a new place to play... the CFL can sit back and enjoy watching a division dominated by Montreal who recently UPGRADED! their existing university stadium to compete in a rather lack-luster CFL East. My guess is they had enough sense to realize they were winning without the " new white elephant' or The "Big O" as it's lovingly referred. Perhaps Montreal who just recently paid off the massive debt of the 1976 Olympics had a case of DejaVu when the phrase 'new & stadium' snuck into the same breath. The CFL may go under! is just one reason why Hamilton Ti-Cats football should have nothing to do with our new multi-purpose PAN-AM stadium decision ... they can build their own fantastic arena with all the cash and optimistic future the CFL holds... Wake up!

Secondly - - The Niagara Escarpment is the most prominent topographical feature of southern Ontario. Designated a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve in 1990, the Niagara Escarpment is an internationally recognized landform and is the cornerstone of Ontario’s Greenbelt. If you've already Bamboozled people into their cars and down the road to watch yet another horror-show unfold then make them drive 10 minutes further into Brantford we don't want another inch of this beautiful Biosphere scarred for use of something so insignificant (upon the Hilltop... pleeease!). Red Hill Valley X-pressway was a necessity not a conspiracy! Hamilton needed it to be progressive, it was obvious, 25 years in the making , not a group of dreamers... clinging to 'the good -old days' where gigantic sell-out 100,000 seat stadiums in the countr-side were the norm, guess what... they all failed! They've all been re-built in the core of the city.

Ive been a football fan, CFL & NFL all my life - right here in 'The Hammer' and I wish the Ti-Cats well hope they get back to their winning ways but, there is something very wrong with that east-end escarpment plan and as the dead-line fast approaches for a final decision on the destination for the new mufti-purpose PAN-AM stadium... consider the initial plan in the West Harbor as the correct proposal and take a hint from Montreal... sometimes digging up the past is the way to go! We'll all be very proud of a vert beautiful Bayfront Park celebration.

Thanks for voting... West is the Best!

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