Comment 44926

By UrbanRenaissance (registered) | Posted August 05, 2010 at 23:26:59

The success of many centrally located stadiums is often due to the fact that attending the game becomes part of the urban social scene. But in the suburbs, if you drink at the game, someone has to drive back, which means that going to a game is not something that 20 somethings looking to party on a Saturday are going to do regularly.

This touches on something that I'm surprised hasn't really been mentioned very much. The fact of the matter is, a lot of people attending both soccer and football games want to have a drink or two during the game. And with prices the way they are, I'm sure a big chunk of the Cats' revenue comes from those $9 beers. So why would you build a stadium that is only accessible by car, leading to either increased drunk driving or a decrease in alcohol sales?

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