Comment 44823

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted August 04, 2010 at 13:41:11

Amazing piece. I thought the art of randomness had been forgotten until now. The entire piece was like a poem.

All over the world, the overriding message from Mother Earth is contract, control appetites, conserve, consume and commute less.

I brought the environment into one of my posts on the Tiger-Cats forum, and I was basically called a moron. I don't pretend to be an environmentalist, but even if the world is going to pot on it's own, doesn't mean I want to rush that process along.

Walking is spiritual. Walking remedies obesity and depression, both of which are rapidly on the rise.

Enjoyed at the current site and the proposed WH site. Can't see how it can be enjoyed at EM.

The trees being cut down at the Res. will be replaced with pavement.

It's Red Hill all over again. :(

My daughters and I were at a Tiger Cat last year when a player vomited all over centre-field: olde school, he stayed in the game. When the play moved far enough away, seagulls would swoop down and snack. The fans went wild.

The moments we cherish at IW. I think that guy's pre-game steak was too raw, or had a bad case of the jitters. Either way it was awesome. Same with the goal post guy.

After seeing how the NHL treated Jim Balsille and Hamilton, I've completely disconnected from the Leafs and the (morally) bankrupt, bush league. It's been liberating.

When Hamilton gets a crack and Bettman gets the sack, I'll probably be back.

Even better, when Balsille opens his own league, hockey will be Canadian again, although bye, bye Bettman would be a good start.

One of those voices is saying it's time to break up with the CFL and the NFL.

I had never even pondered the former until Mark Cohon's message to Hamilton City Council. I love both leagues because I love football, but the CFL because there seemed to be much less money and politics pulling the strings. I believe Katherine Heigl said it best in the movie 27 Dresses. "I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich."

Remember Haiti? According to View, less than 10% of the earthquake relief pledges have been honoured. Unfulfilled promises to the world's most desperate seems uncommonly cruel.

I had never seen those stats. That is depressing. This was my idea to help Haitians and dissaster victims around the world, in the future.

My computer has been overheating and spontaneously shutting down, lately. If I forget to hit "Save," I lose everything I've been working on, sometimes for hours.

Well, I am sure there are many out there who know much more about computers than I, but for the pleasure of reading this piece, I would gladly look at it or give you one of the old ones I fixed up that I didn't want to just discard into a waste pile.


Me too. Learned some invaluable lessons playing football. Or should I say practicing long hours and riding the bench during games. I admit I wasn't very good, but I had a lot of fun, made some great friends, and played two championship games on Ivor Wynne's old turf against the dreaded Glendale Bears. We split the two year series.

Thanks for sharing, Kevin.

Comment edited by lawrence on 2010-08-04 12:50:23

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