Comment 44819

By rusty (registered) - website | Posted August 04, 2010 at 13:05:48

"I can think of plenty of better uses for this public investment than a stadium. However, the fact is that Province will give us tens of millions of dollars for a new stadium, but not for any of a number of things that we need more than a stadium. Given that political reality, the best we can hope for is a stadium that maximizes the potential for incidental side benefits."

Agreed. I have never been all that thrilled with the idea of a massive concrete development so close to the waterfront. It reminds me of all those horrendous Toronto waterfront condos. I would much rather see a tastefully built Opera House, Aquarium or museum, but I think that this development, if done carefully, could sit well with the surroundings. And, as you point out, this is about taking advantage of the present opportunity.

As an 'ex Hamiltonian' (do you ever really leave Hamilton...?) I'm heartened to see so much passion being put into this debate. I hope the city gets the outcome it deserves.

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