Comment 44750

By cityborn (anonymous) | Posted August 03, 2010 at 19:25:49

Lets go with the East Mountain location-Bob Young is a Hamiltonian too and loves this city. He has taken a bold step to stand his ground against Freddy and his dreamers! I think the city councillors have been caught "assuming" that no one would argue with them. The East Mountain location reminds me of when we had Speedway Park up there and only Highway 20 & Mud st. to get there but we still had drivers from the States come over and the stands were packed. The idea that Bob Young is willing to build an Ampitheatre in the west end is fantastic- it seems to harmonize with the RBG, Bayfront Park and Cootes Paradise. The noise volume would not disturb too many home on the EM either.
I used to live by Ivor Wynne and had to put up with rowy fans after the game and beer bottles thrownand broken on the sidewalks and roads (even cursed at for not setting our driveway up for the games).
How come the City knew before hand that we had lost the Track and Field and didn't even seem to care until the papers got wind of it?
I love thse Tabbys no matter what!!!! Go Bob Young !!!!!

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