Comment 44486

By Henry and Joe (anonymous) | Posted July 30, 2010 at 15:53:35

Dear Nate,

With all due respect, I think your comment is oversimplifying things. No one is saying that building a stadium will result in a downtown full of lululemons, pottery barns, and other posh stores that the beautiful people will flock towards. Residential development as you propose is a fantastic idea, but I doubt anyone would buy 350 K condo next to a brownfield. Where is the money going to come from to pay for brown field clean up to get it to residential standards? There is a reason why these brownfields remain unremediated,and that is because it is cheaper to build on greenfields with new publicly funded highways and interchanges courtesy of your tax dollars. We have an opportunity to get tax dollars from upper levels of government to fix the legacy of pollution left behind by industry. That industry propelled this nation to be one of the best. Queen's Park, and Ottawa for that matter, owes Hamilton some money to fix this. Taking money to fix this one brownfield is a good first step. I have to go now, because I'm going downtown for dinner - I actually like it there, and know that it can be even better.

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