Comment 44465

By F. Ward Cleat (anonymous) | Posted July 30, 2010 at 12:36:11

"We've be had." "Set-up." "Hijacked," or whatever other term you might find fitting. From the moment the initial 'Bid Book' was submitted Hamilton was expected to invest $60 million from city coffers, almost twice Torontos contribution and ten-fold compared to most participating cities. In return for our large commitment we were granted the 'Premier' Track and Field events. So in return for our large investment Hamilton would be showcased in the 'Golden Horseshoe' PanAm Games. Hamiltons Waterfront Stadium built on remediated land with direct GO train access from the athletes village was without a doubt pivotal in winning the 'Toronto' PanAm Games. At this point in time with overwhelming support for the 'West Harbour' site the City of Hamilton proceeded. We purchased the properties and studied the site. Although we found challenges, nothing that couldn't be overcome, or so we thought. At some point the notion that we would need a 'Legacy Tenant' appeared, although we have since learned that a simple 'Legacy' (the facilities future use) would do. Today we find ourselves without support from our elected leadership and the President of the local football club assuming the leadership role. Not only is the process being 'Hijacked' our funds and city building plans are being dictated by an unelected individual and his private enterprise. "Not a Peep," from the Mayor or Council. Mayor Fred needs to stand-up and re-affirm our original commitment to host the PanAm Track and Field event at councils preferred stadium location in the West Harbour and put Hamilton back in control of our own destiny.

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