Comment 44443

By BlownByBreezes (anonymous) | Posted July 30, 2010 at 09:20:43

Why is Bratina speaking at the event? He's never made a public comment in favour of the West Harbour location. Is he going to use the opportunity to rant on about demolishing Sir John A. Macdonald in order to put a stadium there instead, or has he finally realized that doing so is utterly unproductive and just makes him look foolish?

Perhaps he's finally caught on to the fact that the vast majority of his constituents support the West Harbour location, and they're all fully aware that he's been an obstacle to making that location a reality.

Bob, the problem is that we're going to remember this come election-time, just like we're going to remember your lack of support for the creative catalyst project downtown. You're finally noticing which way the breeze is blowing, but we expect more from our representatives than being blown by the breeze. We expect leadership, pragmatism, and vision. Sadly, you've provided none of that on this issue.

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