Comment 44434

By brian (registered) | Posted July 30, 2010 at 06:24:09

Good point about the velodrome. Not only that the "boss" i mean the Ticats plan states the velodrome should be torn down and turned into a "fitness center" after the Pan Am games. Where is the anger in all of this?...did the city make the bid for the Pan Am games or did Bob Young??. Talk about ignorance and arrogance all rolled into one. Does Bob Young realize these sports facilities are supposed to be permanent...and he doesn't own the velodrome?. Maybe we will hear in a few days the velodrome will be moved out of Hamilton as well. The soccer team he wants is in a league that currently averages 4300 per game (a number inflated from attendance in montreal and portland)..5 of the teams are at 2300 and lower. I'm not sure what the players are being paid but i can't see it being profitable and if it isn't MLS..i really can't see it being viable in the long term.

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