Comment 44389

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted July 29, 2010 at 16:38:25

What is the fixation that you people have with the stadium being located at WH? It seems like no amount of compromise will satify you zealots. Btw, if a stadium isn't built at EM then you can expect that a mini-mall will. Do you people think that the land there will become a nature preserve? Give your heads a shake!

I don't think people are worried about those lands being paved over with box stores although I am sure many of us would love not to see that, but I think the point is more those lands are prime real estate and a stadium isn't needed to do something with those lands.

West Harbour needs funds. The Setting Sail plan is a great one but it's over many years. THis forces an immediate clean-up if the Pan Am Stadium goes in WH. It's about the Future Fund as well and it's proper use.

It isn't at all that the WH supporters don't want to comprimise but simply, there still doesn't seem to be much of a comprimise. The Cats plan is awesome except they still want to use that Future Fund that the board said no to.

Comment edited by lawrence on 2010-07-29 15:45:29

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