Comment 44129

By Michelle Martin (registered) - website | Posted July 27, 2010 at 16:24:34

I remember CNE Grandstand back before it was BMO field. It was a great thing to see a concert there during the Ex, though. One day, back in 1983, My friend called me at my summer job to say she had 2 tickets to the Bowie Serious Moonlight Tour concert. I caught the GO train from Oakville after work, met her on the Port Credit platform, and we proceeded to the Exhibition stop. Tickets were general admission, and we managed to get up pretty much near the bottom of the stage. Awesomeness. Gotta love those pants. OK-- enough 80's.

My kids (well, the ones who are football fans) love walking down to IW to catch a game, and they love the whole thing. If we have to drive them anywhere to watch one, they'll go less often.

Comment edited by Michelle Martin on 2010-07-27 15:26:17

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