Comment 43982

By DL (anonymous) | Posted July 24, 2010 at 10:51:23

"Saturation" I've looked at the East Mtn. Site.It appears to be bounded by the Linc to the north,the Red Hill Express & Home Depot etc. to the east.It then is cutoff on the west side by Hydro property that contains huge towers servicing major lines running north/south thru the region.That leaves pedestrian access to the stadium via the south end only (Stone Church Road).I'm no expert in traffic flow, but that in itself sets off a big red flag.Pedestrian traffic is achieved at Ivor Wynne thru saturation into the surrounding area by at least three of it's four sides. The EAR as its been dubbed does not provide this.This site will be a hazzard to public and fan safety when 25,000 to 35,000,(and more during Grey Cup) are leaving the game, or function all by the exact same exit area within a short time frame.I have no doubt the land will not need any cleaning up as does the west harbour site. But if this is the location identified for the East Mountain then either major highways/ shopping malls, or hydro towers and lines should be moved to make this a suitable location.I know the Cats and City are in a bind for time but remember "Haste makes Waste".

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