Comment 43863

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted July 22, 2010 at 13:17:28

"Another thing, they actually demolished real working downtown homes and businesses to put in the craptaculous Jackson Square complex, it took out vitality and then drained all the formerly busy streets around the block."

While I would never hold up the divergent result from original plan ('Civic Square') that Jackson Square ended up being, I do have to point out that the above statement is, at the very least inaccurate. It paints the picture that the entire area was thriving and some kind of evil deed was perpetrated upon the citizenry. It wasn't...and it wasn't.

This is a great example of either not having a good grasp on the circumstances at the time and looking back from a biased, revisionist standpoint...or not having a good grasp on the circumstances at the time and looking back from a biased, revisionist standpoint.

In either case, ranting doesn't really dignify any matter that there are no exclamation marks involved.

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