Comment 43741

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted July 21, 2010 at 08:41:02

From one "fat" guy to another, Matt, what a remarkable piece!

This is a disgrace, but it will be even worse if our Councillors continue to turn away and hope that these brownfield lands will somehow be remediated without significant investment from all three levels of government - just like the Pan Am Games promise(d) to do.

Take another look at Matt's pictures and repeat after me, "To be the best place in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens, and provide diverse economic opportunities."

Then, repeat, only this time use Bob Young's vision of a suburban stadium. Madness! And it's the very people who wrote that Vision statement who don't seem to know how to use it in a progressive way.

Keep writing Matt, even if Bob Bratina doesn't think you're up to the challenge.

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