Comment 43737

By BobInnes (registered) - website | Posted July 21, 2010 at 00:21:21

Undustrial. You've got some good thoughts but i'm still looking for some recommendations we can chew on. How would you change land rights? Should banks be forced to lend or should natives start their own bank? Should native 'citizenship' be made wider or narrower? If bands have more self government these days, why can't natives just build their own houses bit by bit instead of having to get a mortgage? Should band treaties/agreements be made on a democratic basis or per traditional consensual basis? How would that be safeguarded? Should the reserve system simply be abolished? How can Natives become contributors to Canada's economy instead of a drain? ie How can remote native communities become self sustaining economic units - or should they be abandoned? What would be your priority issue? I'm not expecting you to have all these answers but just some idea of where you think we should go, if different than what is going on now. Cheers.

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