Comment 43707

By jason (registered) | Posted July 20, 2010 at 12:45:28

great article Jason. We rented a plot in the new gardens at Victoria Park, but unfortunately we landed one of the ones on the northwest part of the garden where something is preventing anyone from seeing much growth or harvest. Not sure if it's the soil quality, or over-drainage but we're still having fun, even if it's frustrating to look on the other side of the garden and see monstrous growth and lush plants while we toil away on our scrawny tomato plants and wilting herbs.

Thankfully I always plant some herbs in small pots in our backyard and they are doing magnificently.

At any rate, there is apparently a huge waiting list to get into the Victoria Park gardens which is a great sign that people want to grow their own food again. Our family is thoroughly enjoying the experience of meeting many great neighbours and showing our kids how food grows, even without much to show for it yet. We WILL harvest something by the end of the summer! LOL

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