Comment 43700

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted July 20, 2010 at 09:02:13


I'm quite sure the Premier knows what's going on. At least his senior staff do. How else do you explain a private. sole-practitioner named Michael Fenn pulling a provincial rabbit out of his hat (ORC lands), AND telling an enraptured Council that there may be some offsetting investment in the WH to compensate an EM location? He doesn't have that kind of authority.

How else do you explain Bob Young writing (in the past tense I might add) on these pages:

"The Province never really cared where in Hamilton the stadium was going to be built. They just wanted to see a successful stadium that would contribute the future economic success of Hamilton. When they recognized that the West Harbour did not have the access needed to run a successful large audience event business in the West Harbour they then changed their position on that location."

I for one missed that media release. People like Bob Young and Michael Fenn are not naive enough to make the statements they have made without having the benefit of prior knowledge. It simply doesn't work any other way.

This debate, and decision, moved beyond the municipal level when our Councillors started fighting, first with each other, and then with Bob Young (although I think he can assume the lion's, or should I say tiger's, share of the blame for his too late declarations and fanciful investment announcements).

As much as I'm inspired by the grassroots groundswell, and pleased to be directly involved, I'm getting a sick feeling that we haven't even begun to see how ugly this whole thing is going to get. The Future Fund debate is before us if the EM site is selected. This will result in a fight with the City of Hamilton about its contribution being returned to the Fund. I'm pro WH, but, I'm as strongly for ensuring the investment from the Future Fund is for city building, not just stadium building. No money from the Fund means no stadium. Which, according to Mr. Young means no Ti-Cats. I don't like that at all, but I most certainly can live with that conclusion.

Hamilton will continue to be the toilet in the grand spa bathroom until we ensure we're represented by at least 10 intelligent, well-travelled, well-read Councillors. In the private sector when employees report to incompetent managers who make their lives miserable face 3 choices. Move to another department or company. Stay and suffer. Try to improve or remove the manager. We all have some decisions to make before October 25.

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