Comment 437

By Rusty (registered) - website | Posted April 27, 2006 at 12:11:20

Gilbert's 'luke warm support' of the Aerotropolis appears to be creating some confusion and differing interpretations. I understand the difficulty in creating a report that is critical of the very people who are paying you to write it. I work in the audit profession and managing the balance between critisism, professionalism and making sure you keep the customer happy and get more business - is very tricky. That's why we need an independant auditor at City Hall, funded by an external source. But that's another matter for another day...

On the whole Gilberts report seems fair, however his attempts to describe a suitable use of the airport lands seems a little wishy washy to me - perhaps he is simply playing to the paymasters.

If the essence of what he is saying is, 1 - 'Airports are noisy so it makes sense to have an Industrial Park there' 2 - 'If you do decide to tie the park to the aviation industry then be careful, and make sure you can reverse this if gas prices go up' and 3 - 'You have a lot of other Industrial Parks and brownfields sitting empty...' then it would have been nice for the author to have provided some clearer conclusions and recommendations around this thinking, rather than the mixed bag of observations we seem to have been given.

By rationalizing the development of the airport lands - however marginally - Mr Gilbert may have allowed a 'way in' for Aerotropolis supporters to forge ahead. I doubt that many of the our elected representatives will seek to clarify and understand Mr Gilberts remarks the way that Ryan McGreal has.

I guess we'll find out soon enough...


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