Comment 43661

By F.Ward Cleat (anonymous) | Posted July 19, 2010 at 14:59:54

Good to hear from the downtown BIA. They seemed to be missing in action since the stadium site controversy erupted. Now to be fair to the BIA they were hoping for a site within the borders of the unofficial 'Downtown', but if I remember right didn't they promise some form of financial incentive if the stadium were to be built in the core. Well this might be a good time to 'Show your Cards', before this whole game sadly comes to an end. I might add that if no incentives are forthcoming they may want to propose a real compromise location in a 'Downtown' location that they could get behind. In doing one or the other they just might become the catalyst to a solution. I might be wrong but aren't Mr. Youngs Companies (including the Ti-Cats) part of the BIA. If so that should provide an opportunity to explore his 'unknown' Downtown locations that would work for the Ti-Cats. In all of this debate it is becoming abundently clear that political posturing and subtle threats will get us a overpriced 'BIG BOX' Stadium where the majority don't want it or a quick exit from these 'Pan Am' games altogether.

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