Comment 43502

By Common Ground (anonymous) | Posted July 16, 2010 at 12:56:51

So just to be clear Caretaker, you say that you don't want a free stadium that will cost the taxpayers millions to subsidize until the end of time...well that's what we're talking about as well! Finally some common ground! A suburban/greenfield/isolated stadium that provides little to no economic uplift and requires constant upgrades to the surrounding infrastructure on the public dime is a financial sink hole that will leave the City with nothing to show for it's investment. While the offer of a "free" stadium on the waterfront might not make sense to you as a citizen, it does to many, many others who see the direct and indirect benefits and economic improvement that will be brought to the city. However, a free stadium should make sense to you as a team owner - the details of concessions, rent, and parking revenues can all be worked out later, but the essential question of what the citizens want is becoming increasingly clear and just because you don't personally agree with it, doesn't mean your minority view should determine the outcome that will be felt for years and decades to come by Hamiltonians who live here day in and day out.

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