Comment 43439

By HamiltonFan (registered) | Posted July 16, 2010 at 07:10:25

Behind the times or not, young families are still buying new houses in the suburbs in many cities including Hamilton. As the baby boomers get older yes there will be more condos and that as they become empty nesters. But larger cities have a different culture than smaller cities like Hamilton, downtowns in Montreal, Vancouver, Montreal are happening places and living downtown in these cities is cool. Not really in cities like Hamilton where there isn't a lot to do and not a lot of people after dark, people don't feel as safe in these smaller cities.

Hamilton would be best served to be different and make the WH more green, turn it into a mini conservation area with some residential uses nearby or a waterslide etc. No need for a stadium at such a precious site.

Stadiums should go on more derelict type land that will most likely never be used for residential, like the Lafarge site in Hamilton or just across the street there where the TigerCats mentioned. It will be a shame if the stadium is built at the WH, a real shame IMHO.

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