Comment 43319

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted July 14, 2010 at 18:32:51

I also know Russ from his time at the North Hamilton Community centre - even in old lots in the North End, his work was amazing. Every time I ride by his house (which is often, since the street cuts right through Victoria Park), I smile.

Most of my own efforts have been in buckets, and they've been going fairly well. My one design revision for next year would be some sort of reflector - tinfoil or old mylar chip bags even, to keep the bright summer sun from drying out the soil through the buckets. And as for growing mediums, shredded newspaper mixed in definitely seems to help retain water. I'm still a total novice, but it's amazing how much better I am than a few years ago.

I really would like some triffid seeds or cuttings, though, if anyone has some. Might help deal with the over-abundance of cats and racoons in my neighbourhood...

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