Comment 43238

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted July 13, 2010 at 15:27:25

Give back the Future Fund money to the people through tax rebates, set up an account at a local bank dedicated to funding the stadium and let people donate. If the people feel that it is a good idea, they will donate.

No to giving back that money. There are many other Future things I am sure the citizens would agree on putting that money towards.

But yes to your second suggestion of a bank account for the stadium. Better yet, a Kick Starter type project. Country wide. Not just among the city.

How important are the Tiger-Cats to the CFL community? Would be an interesting testing bed that could lead to something very extroadinary.

The music and film industry are going this way as is evident on sites like Sellaband and KickStarter. Is it totally unrealistic that we could accomplish something like this on a scale as large as building a stadium? Big money investors have jumped into some Sellaband projects since I have been a supporter over there.

Makes you wonder. As A Smith stated, if the peole wanted it, they would fund it and as they do on Sellaband and Kickstarter, they would sell and promote the idea to their freinds becuase it is something they believe in.

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