Comment 43228

By harriet (registered) | Posted July 13, 2010 at 14:43:19

No crime...Just my opinion. Mr. Young has told the city and the politicians "what to do". Instead of gratefully accepting a $150 million gift of a new stadium, he's decided that he's calling the shots and as a result, has put the entire Pan Am Games opportunity at risk. Remember, Mr Hamilton Fan, a pledge is not a pledge until it actually happens and I'll believe the $15 million (which is the maximum amount, by the way) when I see it.

I suspect Mr. Young (and many people like him) will not spend one dime of his own money if the public purse is there to foot the bill. Why would he? And for the record, this isn't so much about Mr. Young vs The City. This is about 'big money interests' getting the last laugh at the expense of the taxpayers and a city that desperately needs to begin its modernization effort. I believe Mr. McGreal said it best when he referred to it as "corporate welfare".

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