Comment 43156

By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted July 12, 2010 at 19:35:57


I guess what I was getting at is that the city has a history of magical thinking about stadiums. I'm sure they knew that IWS was falling apart before 2000, it's just that the conformation came in 2000, by LD's reckoning. So let's say four mayors (Morrow, Wade, DiIanni and Eisenberger) presided over the decline of the stadium. And if Toronto didn't get the Pan Am games, there would be no contingency plan on how to replace it. I would argue that the leadership failure on the Cats portfolio extends back for at least a decade. The attention was on the city's other favourite mediocre spectator sport, municipal politics. That the team's habitual flirtation with financial ruin probably made it hard to see them as a long-erm fixture of the city.

Best of luck to both mayors and their troll armies. And God help this city.

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