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By MarkWhittle (registered) - website | Posted July 11, 2010 at 08:09:31
HostCo rules and regulations stipulate that the Stadium must have a legacy tenant/partner, the Tiger-Cats are it. The EMED (East Mountain Stadium District) has one, and the WHSP (West Harbour Stadium Precinct) doesn't have one.
Mayor Fred is the Architect of his own demise and should be held to account at the ballot box.
That's why Games CEO Ian Troop gave Hamilton time to get their act together with the Tiger-Cats, or lose the Stadium and track events completely, even the Velodrome is now in question.
IMHO,It should be severed from either proposed location and built right downtown, near Copps Colliseum.
And any huge parking lots at the EMED could be paved with the latest permiable materials, that allow rain water to be absorbed by the ground underneath. Enviro-technology and construction have come a long way in recent years, whereas road construction has not.
All the roads that run paralell to the Linc on the Mountain provide local access to this area, as well as at least four bus routes that originate from various nodes, like Gore Park or Limeridge Mall.
But what surprises me the most is the reaction of the West Harbour supporters, none of which actually live in the area itself.
Most of those people living in the area are being ignored and their rights trampled. The people affected are having their homes expropriated and their businesses destroyed.
The bill For demolition (Rheem property) and soil remediation will dwarf councils contribution to the actual Stadium.
Remediating contaminated soil is very expensive and only one location in Ontario is allowed to do it. Millions of metric tons will have to be shipped there by truck, and will be using inner-city truck routes to get to the closest highway out of town.
Embrace change ... make it work!
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