Comment 43082

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted July 10, 2010 at 09:08:28

Well I bet you have many a great story to tell Windfall. 89 years young is impressive. I can only hope I have my grandfather's longevity genes.

I am not a big fan of unions, but I am sure they had their day. 4 generations of my family have now worked @ Stelco from my great grandfather, my 95 year old grandfather, to now my sister. I remember my dad telling us how he watched his friends lose their homes during the strike of the 80's, and what it did to so many people. It definately provided some hard times for my family

Although, perhaps you can now look at US Steel and think that the Union is a good thing?

Anyway, a discussion for another story.

As for commercialism, I was born in the wrong era. I listen to old Jazz, watch old movies, love antiques (espcially old radios), and think the early days of old Blue Eyes would have been a great time to live.

THere is a song by a band named Coldplay, whose lyrics are something along the lines of 'Everybody's changing, and I don't feel the same'.

Change is good on some level, but we are changing too fast and as is evident from comments regarding old houses versus new ones, we have done away with quality and pride in what we do.

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