Comment 42984

By slodrive (registered) | Posted July 08, 2010 at 18:03:56

I believe the feasibility of Ivor Wynne was discussed -- at least, I believe I recall conversations about it on the ticats forums. I love Ivor Wynne -- no better place to see a game. And I know the team understands how much people enjoy the place, and the atmosphere. So, I don't believe moving away from that location would've been taken lightly.

Far be it for me, without a single dollar invested in the team, for me to suggest that they just stay where they are. We all know operating the Ticats hasn't been an easy, or profitable, endeavor. So, I think moving from this location is not just an effort in profit-chasing, I think its a calculated attempt to ensure the viability of the franchise. (Much unlike the moves by the Yankees or Maple Leafs.)

I think we should all ensure that we cherish the moments Ivor Wynne has given us. Do our best to fill the place every game and really experience the ol' gals roar!

See you all Saturday!

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