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By TreyS (registered) | Posted July 08, 2010 at 17:04:06
I've decided I'm going to kill this thread. Ryan forgive me
Interesting that the last A Smith comment has 9 votes but is only minus one. I thought everyone hated him?
Could it be that the 'invisible hand' does appeal to some people on this board.? And that Smith's 'Invisible Hand' goes beyond economics? It's about sustainability. And capitalism, or consumerism is not sustainable. So we are just fish in a fish bowl with nowhere else to go. We just hope that someone the earth will keep feeding us.
everyone is entitled to profit, unless you profit from natural resources. News: All profits come directly or indirectly from consuming the planets natural resources. Let's make everything sustainable and do it now. To make things sustainable right now means zero growth. For every one person that dies, another person is born. Job growth, economic growth as we know it, ceases to exist. Consuming a finite cannot go on forever. The debt/wealth economic system has to change. Sounds more like a muslim economic system doesn't it?
Including stadium building. Ivor Wynne will sit there as a monument to human failure. Sure we have room to grow... for now. To create that eventual equilibrium of homo sapiens' existence you have to understand that conservation and alternative energy, recycling etc is only prolonging the eventual. Minimizing consuming is still consuming... actually conservation has lead to more consumption in the long run. More efficient refrigerators, led to larger refrigerators. More efficient automobile engines lead to larger, heavier vehicles. More efficient building systems and hvac systems led to larger and more sprawl based housing.
Humans have never and never will live within a sustainable environment. Which makes us dumber than dinosaurs. Homo Sapien will never exist as long as dinosaurs. Why? Because we need to alter our environment in order to live in it. All other species that have ever existed, existed as long as they did because they lived within their environmental boundries and didn't need to change it.
So how's that for a discussion kill.
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