Comment 42940

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted July 07, 2010 at 21:40:05

Thanks Jason, Kenneth and Frank.

Jason, the way the neighbors 'dress' up their houses, dogs, kids, etc is awesome! One of my favorite qualities of the area.

Kenneth, I too love a 'venue' plan for the waterfront. Just not football and not more than probably 15,000.

Frank, I totally forgot about this quote I cut out of a Spec article. I had notes all over the place in preperation for this piece that I have been thinking about for many months now. Here is what Sam said:

"For the area's councillor, Sam Merulla, the differences between James North and his ward's commercial strip are stark.

'I believe Ottawa North is far more prosperous and successful than James Street North is," he said. "Ottawa Street is booming; our entire east end is booming.'

Along with increasing property values, the area has the largest inner-city redevelopment in Canada at the former Centre Mall, Merulla said. It's being transformed into a huge big-box centre." - quoted from in an article by Paul Morse

And another plan? Intriguing.

Comment edited by lawrence on 2010-07-07 20:49:05

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