Comment 42914

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted July 07, 2010 at 15:34:39

Thanks MyStoneyCreek and OhWell. Also some great ideas. I've been thinking about something simiilar to what you both have talked of. There is a lot of land doing nothing around there/not being utilized properly. I bet the area would love a 'new' Scott Park Arena and we could give the new stadium a bit of the Jimmy Thompson/Fenway park feel with a brick exterior wall.

It's comforting knowing that there are other's out there thinking with their hearts and their love for our city and history (and not being unrealistic in my eyes), and not how 'they' have influenced us to think.

I am not sold on anything whatsover that has been proposed. I am just not feeling it. Something isn't right and a whole lot of stinks. (fishy, even)


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