Comment 429

By jason (registered) | Posted April 25, 2006 at 21:30:25

it's getting tougher and tougher for Hamilton's uneducated, old boys club to defend their wacky ideas and 1950's style planning. In the past they could dimiss groups like Friends of Red Hill as weird environmentalists or malcontents. Now, with heavy hitters like the groups you mention above (there are many others too) that are the exact types that always used to support, in principle, ideas presented by Hamilton's establishment. As the times have changed and the world has changed, those financial institutions are in a line of work that demands they keep up with the times or risk losing (themselves and their clients) tons of money. Hamilton's planners and politicians have their work cut out for them trying to convince the general public that CIBC and Simmons & Co. are simply 'weird environmentalists' or 'malcontents'. Of course, we all know they'll still try, and they'll have plenty of help from our city's 'mainstream' media, but Hamiltonians have access to news sources online and on Cable and Satellite TV. As annoying as this overloaded media age is it will help inform Hamiltonians of world issues that they'll never hear correct info on from the Spec or CH. Perhaps this signals the end of the long regime that has held our city back for decades.

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