Comment 42894

By matthewsweet (registered) | Posted July 07, 2010 at 13:08:14

To my councillor,

For what it's worth, this is just a quick note regarding the stadium debate and the report from Mr. Fenn. I trust and hope you will step out against any move to place the stadium on the east mountain. However I have very little faith in this process right now. I fully expect that the stadium will in fact end up at this new "compromise" location. Please convey the disappointment that many in the city and in our ward in particular will feel. I can only say that I'm getting tired of being disappointed with Hamilton, and had truly hoped that this would be a chance to do something exciting and bring some 21st century urban thinking here. Maybe I'm jumping the gun and I won't feel disappointed after hearing the results of the committee meeting tonight, but I'm not optimistic. Keep up the good work for our ward, its appreciated. Regards

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