Comment 42850

By frank (registered) | Posted July 07, 2010 at 08:59:44

I've been chatting with Sam Merulla this morning regarding the stadium and now because of the cash that Bob Young is throwing into the mix he's changed his position. In part I understand his decision. In the short term, the East Mountain option is the most effective use of money now that Young is throwing this money around, the Setting Sail plan never included a stadium, LRT was proposed before the west harbour stadium and a West Harbour location would not see the Cats playing there and thus would lose the additional funding.

My point has been and always will be, why do the councilors here insist on putting Hamilton through the same mistakes other cities have made? Why can't we learn from them and jump ahead for once? Bob Young flashes money and city councilors see dollar signs and follow the hand holding the money with eyes glazed over. A decision for an East Mountain location is a great short term decision but it's not sustainable and that can be seen from other failed stadium locations in other cities. I would much rather see Burlington build a stadium than see an East Mountain stadium and let Mr. Young use the 74 mil to fix the current Ivor Wynne up.

As an aside, I had a laugh when I read that he would spend $14 mil to bring the Grey Cup to Hamilton that something they can even commit to? That's not a Tiger Cat decision is it?

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