Comment 42846

By HarbourFan (anonymous) | Posted July 07, 2010 at 08:48:21

Earl, you know and I know that Fred was a mouthpiece only for the west harbour. He just couldn't make the reality happen. And although you may be right that a stadium isn't the be all and end all in redevelopment, the spinoff activities would have transformed the place. Now what do we get? A stadium in the middle of suburbia and an old dilapitated Rheem's plant in the west harbour, owned by the taxpayers as a monument to folly, broken dreams and weak-kneed politicians. No, wait, maybe it can be the site of movie shoots. I understand that Armageddon 2 will be filmed again in the next 15 years. The plant should look just about right by then!

I am so upset I could spit.

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