Comment 42761

By Graefe (anonymous) | Posted July 06, 2010 at 09:31:47

It seems that there are several battles here. The first, to stop the aerotropolis project. Even people who do not buy Ryan's peak oil arguments and might support this development model should ask that it be stopped until some better quality information is available about the costs of the scheme and the likely benefits. The fact that promoters are now seeing the jobs generated up there as being in restaurants and hair salons is really preoccupying... I always criticized the aerotropolis for creating very few jobs an acre and at fairly low wages in warehousing and logistics, but if the job mix is in fact going to be even more strongly skewed to retail jobs, then the price tag (still unavailable) is completely unnecessary.

The second battle is to force the city to restrict the range of uses. There is really no point continuing with the little programs for downtown renewal if the range of uses for aerotropolis amount to plans to develope a new downtown around the airport... a plan that ultimately is consistent with the aim of homebuilders to develop new subdivisions between the city and the airport.

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