Comment 42717

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted July 02, 2010 at 00:13:23

Undustrial - So the wheel is no big deal, an interesting opinion. With the wheel comes not just transportation but industrialization. The pioneers took wagons all over this continent without anybody building roads for them. Occasionally they had to stop and build bits and pieces of road to get by obstacles but usually they went were they could. With wagons they were able to carry more things longer distances, one of the reasons the natives did not stand a chance. Imagine trying to move a 1000 pound cannon without wheels. Or woman and children from the east coast to the prairies and beyond without wagons. Much later we got roads. Mostly trails became roads with use. Centuries later with the advent of the modern automobile roads, as we know them today, really started being built.

Without the wheel can you build a mill? any kind of factory? The wheel and its derivatives are incredibly important building blocks of our society.

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