Comment 42716

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted July 02, 2010 at 00:10:30

Bob, zoning rules are different than how I understand the concept of protecting private property. For example, if your neighbour is sending vile language into your yard, so much that it is obvious they are making it impossible from you enjoying your backyard, then I agree that is where the government should step in.

However, if that auto shop can conduct business in a reasonable manner, without your property rights being abused, shouldn't he/she have that right? It may even be that having a local auto shop is better for the neighbourhood. He may be able to charge less in fees, due to the fact that his costs are less.

Let's say somebody wants to open a small restaurant in a part of their home. They are just starting out and don't want to lease equipment and space. As long as there were no parking issues, noise complaints, etc, wouldn't that be a good way to make the neighbourhood a better place to be? Instead of row after row of houses, throw in some small shops and gathering places.

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