Comment 42705

By Kiely (registered) | Posted July 01, 2010 at 16:33:22

under Bill Clinton, the government spent LESS in real dollar terms than George Bush II. Curiously enough, the economy did much better under Clinton. - A smith

Clinton got to ride the dot com wave. Saying it was simply less government spending is a stretch.

Bill Clinton also had oral-sex in the oval office, George Bush did not. Using your reasoning I could say oval-office-oral-sex is the reason the economy did better.

I believe governments have less control over the economy than you think.

Those are FACTS. - A smith

No they're statistics you use to justify your beliefs. It is akin to saying "the sky is blue the grass is green, the grass must be green because the sky is blue".

Please explain to me why I should believe in more government spending - A smith

For the record I don't believe in big government or increased government spending... and I've never said I did. So I'm not going to play devil's advocate.

This isn't just about government spending I happen to agree our governments need to reduce their spending, but I doubt we agree on what should be reduced. You don't believe in public education or transit, or governments spending money on much of anything from what I have read (yes I do read your posts and no I do not always down vote them); while I believe we simply have too much government waste.

You must have some reason for believing our corporate masters can save us all, for the life of me I can't figure out why anyone would believe that; but if you would like to explain to me why you think that way, why don't we start there. Is it something you were told growing up, something you learned, something you've experienced, what formed this world view? No debate, no accusations towards Ryan or anyone else... just lay out for me why you believe what you do. No facts required.

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