Comment 42703

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted July 01, 2010 at 16:07:21

Bob Innes >> Zero zoning means that a body shop or other metal (or flesh) pounding place can set up shop next door to your house

In theory, yes. However, what incentive would an industrial business have in moving to a residential area, far from other businesses that support it and customers that use it? Also, land tends to be less expensive in industrial areas because of the negatives you imply, further reducing the chances that an industrial business would locate there. The only reason why homes might move near industry is if people wanted a cheap place to live, but that would be their personal choice.

The types of businesses that would locate near residential areas would be those that benefit from being in those areas and are willing to pay higher land costs. Things like variety stores, restaurants, or other retailers. The kinds of stores that people like to walk to and share time with friends.

>> Politicians more or less have to be real world types - to our detriment in our money-democracy.

Government gets paid for taking other people's money, creating zero profits and subsidizing money losing businesses and you consider them "real world" types? That's funny, you almost fooled me.

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