Comment 42610

By Mahesh_P_Butani (registered) - website | Posted June 29, 2010 at 19:17:10

1990 >> "Mahesh, love the website and the ideas to rebuild brand Hamilton..."

Thank you for your comments 1990! Glad you liked the ideas presented so far.

About the skyline shot of downtown, there were two options I had; the one selected had more to do with a personal choice of imagery and aspect ratio of the photograph, rather than an analytical decision on my part viz year of shot, or the lights in Stelco Towers etc.

Glad you brought this up — as it gives me an opportunity to introduce a topic from my soon to be released specific initiatives.

With regards to the lack of office lights in our high-rise buildings and its resulting less dramatic nightscape — given the hydro costs and impact of light pollution, I would say, it would only be prudent to switch the lights off at night, even after all the high-rise floors are fully rented.

The days of shimmering night time city skylines resulting from leaving office lights on all night, are sadly past.

The new aesthetics of sustainability driven by green energy will eventually set a different direction in city nightscapes which may be equally compelling, but quite different than the ones we are used to presently.

As research in the field of urban ecology grows, we will start to see dramatic changes in the way we think of cities — and the way we make use of artificial lights in our cities.

There are many studies done on the Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting, that are well worth a read for those interested in knowing more on the impact of artificial light on urban ecology — and for those considering artificially lighting our natural habitats including the many waterfalls on a long term basis.

Comment edited by Mahesh_P_Butani on 2010-06-29 18:35:49

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