Comment 42554

By mdesnoyers (anonymous) | Posted June 29, 2010 at 08:02:50


This is not about HPD making you believe the AEGD is connected to the airport. The City has repeatedly stated the Aerotropolis is our #1 economic priority and the economic engine that the airport represents will drive the development. This fact is repeatedly stated throughout city reports and the reports created by Dillon the consultant engaged to study the AEGD. So, as you state, if the airport closes will the AEGD achieve the level of success projected? Making some very basic assumptions the announcement by Westjet potentially results in almost $5 Million in lost revenue to HIA and without significant restructuring loses money. Don't take my word for it-go online and get the numbers from their annual results for 2008 and 2009!

HIA has struggled for 4 decades and if the decline in traffic by Westjet continues what other major carrier is going to enter the market here when the second largest in Canada has stated the economies don't exist? If the AEGD doesn't rely on the airport than why don't we consider stopping the drain on taxpayer resources, close the airport, sell off the 1600 acres for $250 Million, create the employment district there and 10,000 jobs instead of the 1500 created by the airport. No further destruction of valuable foodlands and the resulting contribution to the local GDP will be 3 to 4 times that of the airport!! Further, the taxpayers of Hamilton won't be asked to fund the AEGD development to the tune of several 100 Million dollars and these monies can be directed to desperately needed other infrastructure projects.

Is there any hope that our city planners will stop using 30 year old principles and start taking into consideration the realities that our community will face with energy depletion and climate change?

Michael Desnoyers

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